Accommodations in Phoenix near Mystery Castle (Phoenix, USA)

  1. £105 per night
    Expected price for:May 2024
  2. £55 per night
    Expected price for:May 2024
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Mystery Castle (Phoenix, USA)

The Mystery Castle is a castle-like home located just outside Phoenix near South Mountain Park. It was built by Boyce Luther Gully who moved here from Seattle in 1930 for his health, having contracted tuberculosis. He left his family behind but built this large house from inexpensive materials, salvage, scraps, finds and donations. Although it remains unfinished, there are 18 rooms with a varied layout encompassing parapets, nooks, crannies, staircases, as well as a chapel and a dungeon. Plumbing and electricity were eventually added in the 1990s. Gully died in 1945 and left the house to his wife and daughter who moved in. They began offering tours in 1948 and his daughter conducted tours almost up to her death in 2010. Tours are still available, with the money raised going to the maintenance of the building. It is on the Arizona Historic Register and is a Phoenix Point of Pride. The Mystery Castle is open 11am to 4pm Thursday to Sunday from October to June.

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800 East Mineral Road , 85040
Telephone: +1(602)2681581 | 

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