Accommodations in Nongoma near Zulu Kings Reed Dance (Nongoma, South Africa)

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Zulu Kings Reed Dance (Nongoma, South Africa)

The Reed Dance is an important event in Zulu heritage and affords visitors an insight into African culture and customs at Nongoma, which is located off the R66 roughly 300km from Durban and is the traditional home of the Zulu King. The annual traditional Reed Dance is held at the Enyokeni Royal Palace each September and serves as a sort of “finishing school” for Zulu maidens. Roughly 20,000 maidens in traditional costumes participate in the festivities during which they are prepared for marriage and presented to the King. The ceremonies feature traditional song and dance and are concluded with an address by the King.

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eNyokeni Palace
Telephone: +27(31)3667500 | Fax: +27(31)3056693