Accommodations in Haridwar near Har Ki Pauri (Haridwar, India)

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Har Ki Pauri (Haridwar, India)

Har Ki Pauri is one of the most famous places of worship in India and is the location for the daily Ganga Aarti ceremony where worshippers come to take part in ritual prayers, bathing and celebration. It is also the centre-point of the Kumb Mela ceremony which takes place every 12 years and is one of the world’s biggest festivals. The most recent Kumb Mela was in April 2010. In addition to the Ganga Aarti, it’s possible to bathe in the river throughout the day and the Ganga has been diverted to a peaceful stretch in this part of the town where it’s possible to bathe safely. Worshippers believe that this ritual bathing will wipe away the sins of seven generations. Entrance to the site is free of charge but tourists may expect to be encouraged to part with donations.

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