Accommodations in Kruger National Park near Kruger National Park (Kruger National Park, South Africa)

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Kruger National Park (Kruger National Park, South Africa)

Dating from 1889, the Kruger National Park covers an area of approximately 2 million hectares and is the natural habitat of varied flora and fauna, including the Big Five. Sights vary according to the different eco-zones and a total of more than 500 bird species can be viewed. A number of guided wilderness trails are available, as are game drives, mountain biking and 4x4 options. Due to its size and the fact that it includes six ecosystems, the Kruger National Park is divided into four regions, each with its own atypical landscapes and attributes. The central region houses most of the lions in the park, the far north region is more tropical and has vast birdlife, elephant and buck are found predominantly in the northern region whilst cheetahs and white rhino can be found in the southern region. Facilities at the park include picnic sites, rest camps, waterholes and hides. There are multiple accommodation options ranging from luxury lodges to Bushveld camps. Entrance gates open at 05h30 or 06h00 (depending on the season) and closing times vary from 17h30 to 18h30. Full details are provided at the website.

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Kruger National Park
Telephone: +27(13)7354000 | 

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