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ArkaHotels (Kraków, Poland)

ArkaHotels (Kraków, Poland)

About ArkaHotels

Top amenities

  • WiFi in lobby
  • Free WiFi
  • Pool(Unavailable)
  • Spa(Unavailable)
  • Parking
  • Pets
  • A/C(Unavailable)
  • Restaurant(Unavailable)
  • Hotel bar(Unavailable)
  • Gym(Unavailable)

Rating overview

  • LocationGood  7.9 / 10
  • RoomsNot rated yet
  • ServiceExcellent  8.5 / 10

All amenities

Property amenities
  1. Entrance hall/lobby
  2. Express check-in
  3. Lift
  4. Parking
Room amenities
  1. Shower
  2. Openable windows
  3. Television
  4. Central heating
  1. Accessible parking

Arrival / Departure

  1. Check in: 14:00
  2. Check out: 12:00


Oś. Złotej Jesieni 8 , 31-827 , Kraków , Poland
Telephone: +48(12)6400810 | 

Frequently Asked Questions about ArkaHotels

  • Is there a pool area at ArkaHotels?

    No, ArkaHotels doesn’t offer pool areas.

  • Are pets allowed at ArkaHotels?

    Yes, ArkaHotels has a pet policy that may vary based on the room type or availability. Please check with the hotel directly to learn about their pet policy.

  • Is parking available at ArkaHotels?

    Yes, ArkaHotels provides Parking, Accessible parking for guests.

  • What time is check-in and check-out at ArkaHotels?

    Check-in at ArkaHotels is available from: . Check-out time is by .

  • Where is ArkaHotels located?

    ArkaHotels is located in Oś. Złotej Jesieni 8, 31-827, Kraków, Poland.